RVHR Residents and Adoptable Horses
Meet the RVHR Herd. Here you will find all of the horses at the Rescue Facility.
Some of the horses need a monthly Sponsor to help with their daily care and special needs while they wait for their forever homes. Some of the rescued herd are older and have medical conditions that make them no longer desirable to potential adopters. They will live out their lives here at the rescue.
It costs around $200 a month to keep a rescued horse. This covers the regular Feed, Hay, Farrier, and Veterinary costs such as vaccinations. Medical costs for long-term conditions are additional to this. RVHR depends on public donations to cover its yearly costs for each horse in our care.
January Featured Horse
Meet Holly
- Arrival: 10/04/2024
- Age 2025: 11 YO
- Breed: Mule
- Sex: Mare
- Hands: 14
- Ridable: Unknown
- Placement fee:
$500.00$150.00 January 2025 Until 2/8/2025 - Medical Issues: N/A
- Arrival Info: AC Seizure
- Well with others: Yes
- About:
Adoptable horses are marked as Available for Adoption. Before inquiring about a horse at RVHR, please read our placement guidelines. Once you have you are very welcome to submit our Pre-Adoption Meet and Greet Application.
Meet Andy
- Arrival: 11/5/2024
- Age 2025: 26 YO
- Breed: Mini Doney
- Sex: Gelding
- Hand: 28 inches
- Ridable: No
- Medical Issues:
- Arrival Info: Owner Passed Away
- About:
Meet Autumn
- Arrival: 1/25/2006
- Age 2025: 22 YO
- Breed: QH
- Sex: Mare
- Hands: 14.2
- Medical Issues: Has Seizures
- Arrival Info: Owner Release
- About: Autumn was placed and was returned to RVHR due to loss of her adopter. She now remains at RVHR due to her Seizures.
Meet Cleo
- Arrival: 4/15/2024
- Age 2025: 13 YO
- Breed: Morgan X
- Sex: Mare
- Hands: 14.1
- Ridable: Limited
- Placement fee: $500.00
- Medical Issues: Has low hocks
- Arrival Info: Slaughter Auction Purchase
- Well with others: Yes
- About: Cleo is a sweet mare, easy keeper. Can do some light riding. Gets along well with others
Meet Cocoa
- Arrival: 9/13/2024
- Age 2025: 26 YO
- Breed: Paso Fino
- Sex: Mare
- Hands: 14.1
- Ridable: Unknown
- Placement fee: $250.00
- Medical Issues: Blind
- Arrival Info: Owner Release
- Well with others: Aloner Botton of Peaking Order. Must be with other blind horse.
- About:
Meet Collin
- Arrival: 8/14/2024
- Age 2025: 23 YO
- Breed: Mini
- Sex: Gelding
- Hands: 40 Inches
- Ridable: No
- Medical Issues: Cushing’s on daily medications. Missing left eye
- Arrival Info: Owner Release
- About
Meet D.J.
- Arrival: 9/21/2024
- Age 2025: 26 YO
- Breed: QH
- Sex: Gelding
- Hands: 14.2
- Ridable: Unknown
- Placement fee: $250.00
- Medical Issues: Missing Teeth. Must have soaked hay and grain. Hard Keeper.
- Arrival Info: Owner Release
- Well with others: Yes
- About
Meet Dakota
- Arrival: Born at RVHR 4/15/2008
- Age 2025: 16 YO
- Breed: TB
- Sex: Gelding
- Hands: 16
- Medical Issues: Blind with other birth defects.
- Well with others: Herd bound to pasture mate
- About:
Meet Hawk
- Arrival: 8/18/2009
- Age 2025: 20 YO
- Breed: Arabian X
- Sex: Gelding
- Hands: 14.3
- Ridable: Limited
- Placement fee: $250.00
- Medical Issues: Blind
- Arrival Info: Owner Release
- Well with others: Yes with other blind horses
- About:
Meet Jasmine
- Arrival: 5/5/2013
- Age 2025: 38 YO
- Breed: QH
- Sex: Mare
- Hands: 14.2
- Medical Issues: Hard Keeper due to age.
- Arrival Info: Owner Release
- Well with others: Alpha Mare
- About:
Meet Kyle
- Arrival: 4/15/2024
- Age 2025: 7 YO
- Breed: QH/Pony
- Sex: Gelding
- Hands: 13.2
- Medical Issues: N/A
- Rideable: Not at this time
- Placement Fee: $250.00
- Arrival Info: Slaughter Horse Purchase
- Well with others: Alpha
- About: Will need lots of handling and training does not like his face or ears touched. Hard to catch at times.
Meet Lexi
- Arrival: 4/29/2017
- Age 2025: 31 YO
- Breed: Arabian
- Sex: Mare
- Hands: 15
- Medical Issues: Hard Keeper.
- Arrival Info: Owner Release
- Well with others: Alpha Mare Buddy Bound to Lois
- About:
Meet Lois
- Arrival: 1/9/2019
- Age 2025: 32 YO
- Breed: Mustang
- Sex: Mare
- Hands: 13.2
- Medical Issues: Hard Keeper.
- Arrival Info: from Nevada
- Well with others: Buddy bound to Lexi
- About:
Meet Martie
- Arrival: 4/15/2024
- Age 2025: 21 YO
- Breed: QH Pony X
- Sex: Mare
- Hands: 13.3
- Rideable: Unknown
- Placement Fee: $250.00
- Medical Issues: 4 Hoof Founder, On daily medication. Needs to be trimmed every 4 weeks
- Arrival Info: Slaughter Auction Purchase
- Well with others: Aloner
- About:
Meet Miss
- Arrival: 10/4/2013
- Age 2025: 25 YO
- Breed: QH
- Sex: Mare
- Hands: 15.1
- Rideable: No
- Placement Fee: $250.00
- Medical Issues: Hip Injury
- Arrival Info: Owner Release
- Well with others: Alpha Mare
- About:
Meet Oreo
- Arrival: 11/5/2024
- Age 2025: 22 YO
- Breed: Mini
- Sex: Gelding
- Hands: 39 Inches
- Medical Issues: Has COPD on daily medication.
- Arrival Info: The owner passed away
- Well with others: Yes with others his size
- About:
Meet Prada
- Arrival: 2/17/2023
- Age 2025: 11 YO
- Breed: QH
- Sex: Mare
- Hands: 15.1
- Rideable: Needs Training
- Placement fee: $250.00
- Medical Issues: 4 hoof founder, on daily medication, needs hoof trimming every 4 weeks.
- Arrival Info: Animal Control Release
- Well with others:
- About: Does well with others, Stands for Vet & Ferrier.
Meet Sarge
- Arrival: 9/12/2024
- Age 2025: 6 YO
- Breed: Tennessee Walker
- Sex: Gelding (Gelded 10/1/2024)
- Hands: 15.3
- Rideable: No Needs training
- Placement fee: $250.00
- Medical Issues: N/A
- Arrival Info: Stray Animal Control Release
- Well with others: Yes
- About:
Meet Savanah
- Arrival: 10/4/2024
- Age 2025: 18 YO
- Breed: QH
- Sex: Mare
- Hands: 15
- Ridable: Unknown
- Placement fee: $500.00
- Medical Issues: N/A
- Arrival Info: Animal Control Release
- Well with others: Yes
- About:
Meet Trigger
- Arrival: 11/5/2024
- Age 2025: 17 YO
- Breed: Mini
- Sex: Gelding
- Hands: 34 inches
- Ridable: No
- Medical Issues: Hooves with birth defects
- Arrival Info: The owner passed away
- Well with others: Yes
- About:
Meet Winter
- Arrival: 11/26/2021
- Age 2025: 22 YO
- Breed: Appendix
- Sex: Gelding
- Hands: 15.2
- Ridable: Unknown
- Placement fee: $250.00
- Medical Issues: Blind
- Arrival Info: Owner Release
- Well with others: Yes Other blind horses
- About: Very sweet guy, who does well with other blind horses. Tend to be in charge. We hope to see if he is rideable soon.
Meet Moe
- Arrival: 04/20/2007
- Age 2025: 20 YO
- Breed: QH
- Sex: Gelding
- Hands: 15.1
- Ridable: Yes
- Placement fee: $500.00
- Medical Issues: NA, Easy Keeper
- Arrival Info: Adopter Return
- Well with others: Yes
- About: Moe has been under the care of RVHR since he was 2YO. He came to RVHR via AC seizure. He has been placed but comes back to RVHR due to adopter financial issues.
Meet Holly
- Arrival: 10/04/2024
- Age 2025: 11 YO
- Breed: Mule
- Sex: Mare
- Hands: 14
- Ridable: Unknown
- Placement fee: $500.00
- Medical Issues: N/A
- Arrival Info: AC Seizure
- Well with others: Yes
- About:
Meet Gabby
- Arrival: 09/04/2019
- Age 2025: 8 YO
- Breed: QH
- Sex: Mare
- Hands: 13.1
- Ridable: Not at this time
- Medical Issues: Has Navicular
- Arrival Info: The owner passed away
- Well with others: Yes
- About: